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CYC Priorities 2023

Over the last few months we have been looking at data that we received from the School Health Research Network... View Article

March 28, 2024

CFC Partner Programme

Child Friendly Cardiff have developed a network of organisations that have pledged to embed the values and principles of a... View Article

March 28, 2024

What’s up, Cardiff?

Big things are happening in our schools, and it’s not just about exams or sports – our schools are becoming... View Article

March 28, 2024

Period Dignity

At Child Friendly Cardiff, we believe that young people who experience periods have the right to a safe and dignified... View Article

March 28, 2024

CFC Partners

CFC Partners It’s been a busy summer for our child friendly partners, hosting community events across the City. We’ve been... View Article

October 20, 2023