What’s up, Cardiff?

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Big things are happening in our schools, and it’s not just about exams or sports – our schools are becoming rights respecting. As of now, 76% of schools, that’s three out of every four, have taken significant steps towards the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) by submitting an action plan. That means whether they’ve achieved Bronze (35%), Silver (25%), or Gold (16%) status, they’re committed to a shared vision: education that teaches about rights and empowers young people to use their rights effectively. 

And here’s something to think about: 85% of kids in cardiff council run primary schools are now in a place where our rights are a big deal, part of the daily conversation. That’s huge! 

But what about secondary schools? Sure, they’re bigger, and change might feel like turning a tanker rather than a speedboat. Yet, the move is on. Cardiff is gearing up to make sure that rights education is just as robust in our secondary schools, tweaking the support to fit just right. 

We are also teaching council workers and teachers to become RRSA assessors reducing costs, making it easier for schools to progress and helping the city to move forward as one. 

This is about all of us – making sure our voices are heard and respected, and learning how to lift each other up. Cardiff’s not just teaching us about rights; it’s making sure we’re ready to live them out loud. So let’s be part of this, let’s talk rights, let’s live rights, and let’s support our mates to do the same. 

Onwards and upwards, Cardiff!